Robert Koopman

Chief Economist, WTO
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Mr. Robert Koopman is the Chief Economist and Director of the Economic Research and Statistics Division at the World Trade Organization. In this post Bob provides the Secretariat and Member Countries with analysis and information that promotes a deeper understanding of trade and trade policy's role in economic growth and development. Prior to this post he served as the Director of Operations and Chief Operating Officer for the United States International Trade Commission. Bob oversaw the Commission’s trade policy research and negotiation assistance to the President, the U.S. Trade Representative, and Congress; a wide range of trade remedy investigations; maintenance of the Harmonized Tariff System, as well as the agency’s strategic planning and performance measurement initiatives. He also previously served as Chief Economist at the USITC, and various leadership positions at the Economic Research Service of USDA. Bob is also an Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Geneva and is a research fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Bob's current research interests include global value chains, measuring and monitoring trade costs, and developing long term trade and economic scenarios for policy analysis.

Robert Koopman
Speaker Information
Keynote in 2016
Speaker in 2016