City of London Corporation

The City of London Corporation is a uniquely diverse organisation. They have a wide remit that goes beyond that of an ordinary local authority with three main aims: to support and promote London as the world’s leading international financial and business centre and attract new business to the capital and the whole UK; to work in partnership with local communities to increase skills, employment and opportunities for all Londoners, including through the City Bridge Trust and to enhance the capital as a hub of culture, history and green spaces for Londoners – residents, workers, and visitors.

Many of these services are funded from their own resources, at no cost to the public, and benefit London and the nation.

The City of London Corporation is centred at Guildhall but also have offices at Mansion House, Walbrook Wharf and outside the Square Mile in relation to their green spaces and other facilities.

The City Corporation is older than the Parliament. Elected Members, headed by the Lord Mayor, operate on a non-party political basis.

City of London Corporation